Land owners
Planning & Development
Pre-application advice is crucial to ensure a proposal adheres to the local requirements of the designated planning authority. Refused applications can be costly and the process is often complicated and difficult to understand.
Concept Property Group’s experience and expertise in the industry helps assist land owners in understanding often complex planning aspects and can help to unlock the full potential of both land and the proposed development. Our consultants will review your proposals at all stages prior to the submission of an application and will utilise their experience and expertise to help you achieve final approval for your project.
We work with you to devise a strategy that fits your needs. Providing transparent and clear communications during the process which will keep you informed of all developments along the planning application. We liaise with local authorities on your behalf and discuss options, including engaging in incremental approaches to achieve the final desired outcome.
Not all construction work requires formal planning permission. Permitted development rights are a form of planning permission granted by Parliament rather than the local council. If your development plans fall within certain restrictions, we can bypass submitting a planning application.
If you have found out your planning permission has been rejected, do not despair. An initial refusal does not necessarily spell the end for your prospective development. Concept Property Group have an excellent track record in achieving planning approval, even when initially refused.

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